Sunday, May 6, 2007

wtf>>look at this omg im serioyslyhaving a bad time with my blog .. deres sumtinn wrong with my page elements and my composer .. r u guys having the same probs??

anyway spiderman 3 rocked the house yest. and i cant DO A REVIEW cos there is something godamned wrong WITh my blog composer (i hope they fix it ) :0 yea and at night i had a birthday celebration for my granma at peach garden XD TWO TABLES GEDDID lol... ben(cuzzin) walked
into yamaha and walked out with a violin ... it was so friggin small LOL my guitar still rox GUITA PWNS VIOLIN MAN yea .. oh ok im trying to fix this figging blog prob ? do u guys haviit ? godamnit i cant do no shit kays me gotta go study for me exam 2mrws tooo so ... yea cheers like usual , TILL THEN ken.

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